Monday, October 27, 2014

Top 5 News

1. My choir at school had the chance to be in a musical at Handley. It was really fun. Sarah Beth came to see it & my grandma got me a rose.

2. I got 100% on my Virginia History test. I studied hard and I knew it like that!

3.  This is a link to my Aunt Tara's blog.  She interviewed me and put it on her blog. 

4. Just Dance 2015 Full Track list.

5. I really loved the musical. I want to thank my music teacher Mrs. Mathias for letting us participate in this program. 

1 comment:

  1. Andrew,
    Thanks for adding a link to our interview. Love your video choices and your Fall background motif Do you ever post The Police? love them especially he Police - De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da
